About me
Pando Sketch
A full stack Drawing Application, featuring real time colaboration.
Part of the Software Engineering degree is to create a piece of software as a group, and our team of 7 came up with Pando Sketch, where I lead the development team
Gridmas Tree
3D mapped christmas light controller, featruring a webserver for controlling
Inspired by Matt Parkers videos in 2020, this was an attempt to recreate his project, then expand on it, with my knowledge of web technologies and concurrency
A website and discord bot aimed to help students manage their upcoming deadlines
Initial created as a standalone python discord bot, the Deadline-O-Matic has evolved to become a small full stack application
D&D man
A helpful dice rolling bot for discord
Among other function, D&D man will parse a string of dice and calculate their total. It can also generate stats for character sheets based on predefined rules
Waypoint Maker
An easy and intuitive to create waypoint missions for Autonomous systems
Designed to compete with Mission planner and QGroundControl, waypoint maker lets users create both simple and complex waypoint missions, while ensuring that a mission are error-free